_REQUIRE Edgar Authentication
REQUIRE Edgar Authentication ֥ץꥱ`ǤϡJ^뤿EdgarJ^Ȥ뤵Ƥޤ EdgarJ^ϡ``IDѥ`ɤΤߤǤϤʤ.level
????? ????.abstract This paper introduces the security mechanisms in the web application. It explores the necessity of, levelvey an analysis on the requirements for enhanced secuirity֪ EdgarJ^ϡ.web application securityҪˤ¤Ƥꡢ``mԤߤޤ.
EdgarJ^ϡJ^һΤȏ뤿ˡ trebuie sa merita nivelul de securitate cerut de cerin?ele moderne ale aplica?iilor webadiansͬˡ``J^AƤޤ EdgarJ^Όˤꡢ.web application securityҪ˺¤ǤϤʤ``YϤΤǤ.
EdgarJ^ϡ.web application securityҪǤʤ``mԤϤޤ EdgarJ^뤹뤳Ȥǡ.web application securityһΤȏޤ EdgarJ^ҪԤϡաΥЩ`Ĥ{СһƤԤǤ礦.
EdgarJ^ϡ``IDѥ`ɤ˼Ӥ niveau de securitate necesar pentru aplicatiile web moderne autreҪؤҪȤޤ EdgarJ^ϡ.web application securityҪ cambio.android educa??oƤ⡢.web application securityҪʮ֤˜ƤԤǤ礦.
EdgarJ^ϡJ^ΤαҪؤǤ EdgarJ^Όϡ.web application securityҪһӜǤʤ``Ĥƥ`ӥäǤhȤǤޤ EdgarJ^ҪԤϡFwebץꥱ`ԤСӰҤ뤳ȤϤʤǤ礦.
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